tiistai 15. toukokuuta 2012

Graupner HoTT

Be careful about Graupner HoTT-teknology! System can bugs as my MC22 HoTT-conversation makes in this video. Fortunately my Cyril is ok, although radios stopped working two times in the air. I reset hardware and now systems seems to be working normally. Graupner did not agree to send a new module to warranty, they say that I have to send the equipment to Germany during the competition season. HoTT bugs video

Hyvää kevättä kaikille F3B:n ystäville - Sunny spring for all friends of F3B

Hyvää kevättä kaikille F3B:n ystäville - Sunny spring for all friends of F3B
Kova oli keväinen veto - Powerful spring towing (Kuva M.Höglund)